• Race: Au Ra | Xaela (Half-Raen)

  • Gender: Masculine (He/They)

  • Age: 40 y/o (Currently)

  • Height: 8'0" (244cm or 8 Fulms)

  • Orientation: Pansexual | Panromantic

  • Voice: Smooth, Low Drawl

  • Place of Birth: Azim Steppe - Dawn Throne

  • Place of Residence: Ishgard - Empyreum

  • Religion/Beliefs: Iconoclast (Prev. Althyk, Azim, and Nhaama)

  • Jobs: MCH, GNB, VPR (Prev. DNC, PLD, DRK)

  • Occupation: At this point, he has no clue. A lover, a fighter, a drinker?

  • Other Details: Kara's nightmarish bond grants him the ability to sense Aether, at the expense of his own. He cannot use magic.